YMCA of Three Rivers Immigrant Services

Contact Information
250 Hespeler Road , Cambridge, Ontario N1R 3H3, Canada
Detailed Information
Listing Description

Cambridge, Kitchener, Waterloo, Stratford, Guelph, and surrounding areas
Offers cross cultural and immigrant services including language assesment, employment, and community connections

Fee Schedule


Documents To Provide

ID Documentation (Permanent residence card, Passport, etc)

Expected Outcome

Settlement pathway support, ensuring opportunities to language training, employment services.

Privacy Policy

Client will sign a form of confidentiality. There is often lots of confidential information that the provider will see so it is required that the client sign and give permission to provider

Safe Disclose Gender Identity Sexuality
Complaint Methods

Complaints can be made to the provider’s supervisor.

Service Procedure

Client would make a call and get connected to intake, appointment for assessment and will receive information to either internal service provider or referral to other resources.

Additional Notes

Agency has LGBTQ2+ specific/inclusive policies and human resources practices in place.


Have completed diversity training from OK2BME and OCASI’s Positive Spaces Initiatives.

Forms To Complete

Intake form and needs assesment form. To be completed with provider during intake appointment

Government Assistance Available
Service Request Method

Email or phone call.