Policy on Discrimination and Harassment Because of Gender Identity
Policy on discrimination and harassment because of sexual orientation, 2000, revised 2006
Policy on Preventing Discrimination because of Gender Identity and Gender Expression, 2014
Policy on preventing sexual and gender-based harassment, 2011, Updated 2013
Tribunals Ontario is a group of 14 adjudicative tribunals that play an important role in the administration of justice in Ontario.
Out On The Page is a writer’s circle for queer authors in Guelph
PFLAG Canada’s network of national chapters are run by dedicated volunteers who’ve been where you are now and want to help you get to where you’re going. Find your nearest chapter and learn what support is available in your own backyard. PFLAG Canada is Canada’s only national organization that helps all Canadians with issues of sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression.
Questions & Answers: Gender identity in schools
Resource for educators
LGBT2Q+ organization committed to working towards a strong, inclusive & accessible Queer community. A collection of community events and community resources
Queer Exchange KW is a place for queers to post things like jobs openings, rooms/apartments available, things for free or trade or sale – generally like that
Connect, organize and share information
The Queerspawn Resource Project curates an ever growing list that centers the experiences of people with LGBTQ parents and caregivers.
Rainbow Chorus Waterloo-Wellington is a community chorus that welcomes members of all genders, sexualities, and gender expressions – and allies of the LGBTQ+ community
Discussing Trans and Gender Diverse People
Get Real: Question & Answer guide for dating Trans folks
List of gender neutral restrooms in the Waterloo Region
Social Transitioning Resource
Many of the things to consider/topics that come up during transition: social, legal, medical, surgery, money, youth, resources, politics
Social Transitioning Resource; Guide Towards Allyship
A group for Transgender people who are confident and comfortable with who they are. Members are willing to share with everyone the many great things that go on with transgender people. Online/Worldwide.