Counselling Services: individual and group counselling, workshops, mental health training.
Missed appointment fees
Must be a current University of Waterloo graduate or undergraduate student
Any specific requests about specific types of therapy, or types of counsellors.
Intake and registration, progress notes from sessions and clinical notes.
Different notes kept based on type of sessions e.g: walk in has a form about goals and strengths and leave with plan, crisis has a safety plan, otherwise standard clinical notes.
Help all students, inclusive, connected collaborative primary medical care and mental health care.
Online feedback form which goes to the appropriate manager or director for direct follow-up:
You can also reach out directly to Cheri Bilitz (Director, Counselling Services) at / 519-888-4567 x48431 or Walter Mittelstaedt (Director, Campus Wellness) at / 519-888-4567 x43308
Fill out intake form, reason for counselling, what kind of therapy works for the individual, receive a full assessment.
Statement of Trans Health Care:
*associate director of health promotion- more individual, jennifer.mccorriston
*only for students, virtual and as needed in person, no walk in.
trans specific information under additional information:
Registration form, privacy and informed consent
Call counselling services: 519-888-4567 ex.32655
Cheri Bilitz (Director, Counselling Services)